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Friday, 18 February 2011

Random Thoughts

From JPeg to Raw
After having a quick chat with John Todd (My Tutor) the other week, and another chat with my very supportive Partner, I have taken the plunge and have now started shooting in RAW.
To be honest, i have been a little reluctant to do this, And the reason ???  I was a little scared of how it all works and was worried i would ruin my photographs, but, after having a little play around with some images i took in SouthPort and Liverpool, I have now found that it is not too hard to make some minor adjustments with curves, and using RGB to alter tones and colours. I have even worked out how to save them and convert them back into JPegs for altering in Photoshop :)
Now all i need to do is work out how on earth to use Layers !!!
So if anyone who reads this, knows how to explain how to use Layers in very simple terms, i will be most grateful.

Running Late
O'Dear, I am starting to fall a little behind with my course work, My Deadline for Assignment 1 is the first of March, but i have a horrible feeling i will not have it ready by then.
I am really annoyed at myself now for allowing myself to fall behind, but i think it has something to do with not doing any studying since i left school and not setting myself any real study time.
I have now worked out myself a kind of weekly rota, So i will now have time to study/take photographs and hopefully catch up and not fall behind again.
I have now just got to bite the bullet and let my Tutor know i need to extend my deadline a little bit.

Focus on Imaging 5/3/11
Well tomorrow morning, i will be heading off to Birmingham for the Focusing on Imaging Show at the NEC  or whatever the call it these days :)
I am really looking forward to going to this and i have my lovely partner to thank for pointing it out to me, only regret is she wont be able to come with me, but i intend to get loads of free stuff for her while i'm there, that way when i splash out on something expensive she wont shout at me too much (i hope)
On a more serious note though, while i'm there, i hope to be able to sit in on a few of the free seminars and learn a few more things to help me on my way, plus i will be on the look out for Photographic weekend courses and any other material and advise thats on offer.
This is the first time that i have been to one of these shows, so am not too sure about what to expect. hopefully it will be a positive experience and that i learn a few new things.
Afterwards i intend to go into Birmingham itself and grab a few photo's, hopefully i can get the last few images i need for Assignment 1, plus i want to have a little try at street photography, who knows i might even be good at it :)
I will post an update when i get back tomorrow, maybe have a few images to go with it too.

Ooops 14/06/11
I have just noticed that i have missed exercise 8 out, i will try and get this one done at the weekend along with exercise 13.

Assignment 1
Ok, i have now finally completed assignment 1 'Contrast' and have just posted it off to my course tutor.
I will now spend the next few weeks worrying about if my work is good enough or if i did not put enough or even too much effort into this first assignment.
I am glad that it is completed though, as this was a massive challenge for me and a huge learning hurdle to get over, but now it's done, i feel i can focus a little harder and get on with the rest of the course at a more reasonable pace (i hope) I am looking forward to the feed back, whether good or bad, i am sure it will help out with my future photographs.